10th Spektrum
Film Festival
22-27 October 2024
22-27 October 2024

Opening film The Getaway King

The opening film of the 7th edition of Spektrum will be the latest hit starring Dawid Ogrodnik – ‘The Getaway King’ (dir. Mateusz Rakowicz). It is an action comedy that connects generations. Inspired by the true story of Zdzisław Najmrodzki, the star of the criminal underworld and the legendary king of getaways, who escaped the law enforcement agencies of the Polish People’s Republic 29 times. Women loved him and men admired him. In the 1970s and 1980s, Najmrodzki’s daring performance was followed by whole Poland, and on October 24, festival participants will see them at the opening of the Spektrum Festival in Świdnica.

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