10th Spektrum
Film Festival

To Ankur

Kadr z filmu

The Youth Perspective – Amateurs competition

In program

25.10.2023 / 12:00

PL: To Ankur

Director: Nitya Sathian

India 2023


To Ankur is a wacky film about a young teen, Madhu who tries to deliver a love letter to her crush, but on the way faces many obstacles which are all in her head. It is a 2D animated film that is almost 4 minutes long with a beautiful classical piece to showcase the craziness in the best way possible. The main goal of my film is to express my perspective on Intrusive thoughts in a fun and lighthearted manner while still providing the feeling of being trapped in this loop of imaginative thoughts, that constantly try to mess up her day.

Thoughts, that constantly try to mess up her day..

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