Walk along murals

Do you know that in Świdnica there are over 20 murals decorating the facades of tenement houses or the facades of buildings? Scattered all over the city, they build the unique aura of our festival house.

We invite you for a walk along the trail of Świdnica murals on Saturday, October 29 – not only our visiting guests, but also the inhabitants of Świdnica – sometimes it is worth being a tourist and in your city!

Free entrance!

Start: on Saturday, October 29, at 3:00 p.m. at the Photo Gallery (Rynek 44).

We will walk through the painted corners of the city, and our guide will be the author of some of the murals – Robert Kukla, born in Świdnica, an artist dealing with, among others Easel painting, graphic design or street art, associated with Świdnica Cultural Center on a daily basis.

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