10th Spektrum
Film Festival

In the Rearview

Kadr z filmu

Spektrum competition

In program

25.10.2023 / 15:00
Kup bilet

PL: Skąd dokąd

Director: Maciek Hamela

Cinematography: Yura Dunay, Wawrzyniec Skoczylas, Marcin Sierakowski, Piotr Grawender

Editing: Piotr Ogiński

Producers: Piotr Grawender / Affinity Cine, Maciek Hamela / Impakt Film

Poland, France, Ukraine 2023


The first days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. People caught by time and in space, facing an uncertain here and now, choose to abandon what they hold most precious as they climb straight into the dusty van with foreign plates. It traverses tens of thousands of kilometers serving various functions: waiting room, hospital, shelter, zone for confidences and confessions, which are shared among travelers thrown together by chance. In the Rearview is a collective portrait composed of experiences of those who have a single goal: finding a safe haven.

A picture that, despite its apparent silence, contains so many emotions, can deeply move and terrify…

Zosia Sikora, Filmawka

Ordinaryness devoid of pathos and commentary, the greatest power of reportage.

Marcin Prymas, Pełna sala

The missing element of the refugee experience.

Adriana Prodeus

Honest, sensitive, not looking for spectacle – this is the kind of war cinema we need!

Daria Sienkiewicz

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